First results PEMP project published! The first results of the “Policing European Metropolises project” (PEMP) that Elke Devroe launched in April 2013 are now published. Elke Devroe • June 29, 2015
Police Web-design and Branding As police departments step into the 21st century, should they adopt the swanky web designs and branding campaigns of the private sector or stay within their humble, public service means? Megan Anderson • June 01, 2015
Plural policing in comparative perspective Emprirical data suggest a completely different situation regarding plural policing than universally accepted theories which are based upon the situation in Great-Britain Elke Devroe • May 11, 2015
Police Station Innovation - Are police stations necessary in the digital age? New developments change the outlook of police stations; will they render obsolete? Megan Anderson • April 03, 2015
The future of the police New developments within societies create a complex patchwork of control and therefore a renewed mission for the public police. Elke Devroe • February 17, 2015
Urban Public Safety With the world’s urban population predicted only to rise, how public safety can be provided more efficiently in these booming, bustling cities is an important question. Megan Anderson • December 08, 2014
Copper Theft Recent years have seen a drastic rise in copper theft around the world, on occasion disrupting infrastructure systems. How do governments and industry deal with this growing threat? Megan Anderson • September 26, 2014
Policing in cyberspace: It’s not always the police and not always about enforcing the law! There are indications that undesirable effects emerge with respect to policing cyberspace. It’s not always the police and not always about enforcing the law. André Hoogstrate • May 24, 2014