The Rise of Killer Robots? AI in the American Military The US is determined to lead in AI development and its use in military systems and weapons. How far have they actually gotten? Is there cause for concern? This article will trace the recent developments that the DoD has undertaken in AI. Clotilde Sebag • March 18, 2019
Do International Treaties Matter? International treaties are everywhere, but some receive more attention than others. What happens when they are ignored altogether? Amy E. Kasper • March 11, 2019
Secrecy All The Way Down The tension between what intelligence agencies do and how the public reacts to it is built in from the very beginning and can be explained by looking into the underlying logics of secrecy that govern those counterparts. Ilina Georgieva • March 04, 2019
Political Muslims – Understanding Youth Resistance in a Global Contest The book "Political Muslims" challenges the often held negative associations in relation to Islamism. It proposes an alternative and progreesing approach to being a Muslim citizen. Tahir Abbas • February 25, 2019
Choosing Between the Plague and Cholera The announcement of the US to withdraw from Syria created new realities for actors in the region. The Kurdish armed forces in Northern Syria are at the forefront of this changing security landscape. Zine Homburger • February 18, 2019
Why the Far-Left Deserves More of Our Attention Paying more attention to left-wing groups in academic research could increase our understanding of their political goals and modi operandi. It could also add more depth to our general understanding of radicalisation. Katharina Krüsselmann • February 11, 2019
What’s up with WhatsApp Neighbourhood Watch? WhatsApp neighbourhood prevention teams are increasingly popular in the Netherlands. However, there are moral implications related to the technologically mediated practices of those teams. Nils Dalmeijer and Vlad Niculescu-Dincă • February 04, 2019
Yellow Vests What kind of political protest are we facing? Above all, the Yellow Vests reveal a crisis of political legitimacy and political representation. Jelle van Buuren • January 28, 2019
The Ottawa Treaty on Landmines: Time for Rejuvenation The Mine Ban Convention is weakened due to the development of new types of mines and assymetric conflicts. It is time to revise the treaty to make it fit for the 21st century. Nils Hegel • January 24, 2019