Explaining the Recent Resurgence in Japanese Strategic Engagement Japan has acquired an image as an influential albeit reluctant and somewhat withdrawn world power, especially after the economic crash of the 1990s, but this seems to be changing. What is driving this development? Hanley Foster • October 22, 2018
Three reasons why it is difficult to recognize signs of radicalization When people are arrested on suspicion of planning a terrorist attack or joining jihadist groups, their family members are often surprised. The question that arises is how did they not know? Marieke van der Zwan • October 15, 2018
The Rise of Islamophobia and Radicalisation in the Global North What is the influence of the decline of masculinity and the changing nature of post-industrial societies and economies on the rise of Islamophobia and radicalisation? Tahir Abbas • October 10, 2018
Terrorism in the Netherlands: the response of the Dutch public The terrorist attack in Amsterdam has made clear that the response of the Dutch public is rather calm. Why is this the case? Jessica Sciarone • September 04, 2018
The Angel, the remarkable story of Ashraf Marwan A double spy or an Israeli asset? The remarkable story of the life and death of Ashraf Marwan. Jessica Sciarone • August 20, 2018
Turning down the heat on cyber norms? Three consecutive UN GGE's managed to adopt a consensus report. The latest session in 2016-2017 did not. What does this mean? Zine Homburger and Liisi Adamson • July 23, 2018
The Big Data Paradox: Juggling Data Flows, Transparency And Secrets Big Data is a captivating phenomenon in many respects, but is it clear what we mean by Big Data? Alex Claver • July 16, 2018
Mayors, framing strategies and political outcomes in the wake of three riot-related crises Dutch mayors have become more vulnerable to critique on their performances as their crisis management responsibilities have increased. How they communicate during crises is crucial for their reputation and political survival. Caspar Pille • July 09, 2018
The Flow of Homicide Through the System In each phase of a homicide investigation and prosecution a case can 'flow out' of the judicial system. What factors are involved and how? Marieke Liem and Hanneke Schönberger • July 02, 2018