'We were no Florence Nightingale' The Spanish Civil War hardly plays a role in the Dutch collective memory – only recently it is occasionally brought up as a comparison to Islamic State and the foreign fighter phenomenon. Seran de Leede • August 15, 2016
Protest! New insights into an omnipresent phenomenon Street protests are omnipresent, but poorly understood. Recent research provides new insights into these events and their core actors (protesters and the police). Anouk van Leeuwen • August 08, 2016
The power of risk analysis in times of terror To counter the instinct reactions that terror aims to invoke, we need more critical reflection, fact-based systematic analysis and substantiated policy responses. Sanneke Kuipers • August 03, 2016
What’s in a definition? Is the proposed EU Directive on Combating Terrorism still about terrorism? New European Union legislation makes it possible to be convicted for terrorism, without the offence being actually committed. This leads to less legal certainty on the phenomenon of terrorism. Stef Wittendorp • July 25, 2016
EU (Br-) exits and Decreasing European Crisis Response Capacity The so-called 'Brexit' illustrates the European Union (EU) is under pressure. However, from a crisis management perspective, leaving the EU or diminishing its current capacity would be a very unsafe idea. Sanneke Kuipers • July 17, 2016
Empirical Research on Terrorism: Types of Data Laboratory experiments constitute a good complementary to theoretical and empirical analysis of terrorism. Jaroslaw Kantorowicz • July 04, 2016
Mass Media and the Copycat Effect – A Public Threat? Media reporting on suicide attacks may increase the likelihood of an at-risk individual with similar views to that of the subject to be inspired to commit a similar attack. Former Intern at Leiden University • July 01, 2016
Intelligence-led policing and local governance Within European metropolises, local governing bodies become increasingly important in the fight against transnational phenomena like radicalization, human trafficking, and drugs smuggling. Elke Devroe • June 24, 2016
How International Actors Unintentionally Contribute to Kosovo’s Extremism: A Life Story Perspective What are the causes of religious violent extremism in Kosovo and what is their relation to the peacebuilding missions that have became sources of violent extremism? Insight in these phenomena might help international policymakers in proposing strategies. Arlinda Rrustemi • June 20, 2016