Video blog: Developments in the field of (counter)terrorism Video blog in which the attacks in Paris, Brussels, as well as other developments in the field of (counter)terrorism are being discussed. Edwin Bakker • April 08, 2016
21st Century Humanitarian Aid: How social media is changing Crisis Response & Managment We increasingly turn to information and communication technologies (ICTs) to help us impact our environments in meaningful ways and respond to the many challenges we face. One challenge in particular is how we respond to natural and manmade disasters. John Sabou • March 31, 2016
Telecom operators' resilience in regard of cyber-attacks To what extent do legislation and regulation contribute to the resilience of telecom operators in regard of cyber-attacks? Joey Croonenbroek • March 30, 2016
European information exchange on foreign fighters - work in progress Claimed by EU member states to be top priority, information exchange among security agencies regarding Jihadism and foreign fighters is improving. A lot remains to be done though. Jelle van Buuren • March 14, 2016
Islamic State’s Ambivalent Relation to Drugs According to Islamic State’s official propaganda – as stated in its Dabiq-magazine – it is very anti-drugs. However, in practice, Islamic State seems to use drugs to make money and strengthen its fighters. How to explain this ambivalence? Wietse van den Berge • March 07, 2016
Countering Lone Actor Terrorism: Threat from far-right often overlooked In the past 18 months, Leiden University and the ICCT have been involved in an EU-funded project called "Countering Lone Actor Terrorism". Who are these lone-actors and how do they plan and execute their attacks? The main findings have now been published. Edwin Bakker and Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn • March 02, 2016
Terrorists in Prison: The Punitive Shift When it comes to terrorists in prison, the public and policymakers alike tend to punitive prison policies. Because prisons walls often avert the public eye, it is all the more important to avoid this tendency. Liesbeth van der Heide • February 22, 2016
Understanding the Emergency Services from an Organizational Systems Perspective Researchers should begin to analyze the emergency services as a collective system or sector, rather than disparate entities. Megan Anderson • February 17, 2016
Mayors put to the test. Dutch mayors in local security networks The ever growing trend of securitizing local issues has fostered an expansion of Dutch mayor’s formal positions, as well as new actions and roles in daily governance. Ruth Prins • February 10, 2016