Re-entry of High Profile Offenders One of the main shortcomings in studies on ‘high profile offenders’ is their relatively sample size. One way to overcome this limitation is to study other groups that may be faced with similar experiences. Marieke Liem • June 22, 2015
Extremist Rhetoric and Social Media: The Virtual Battlefield ISIS, Al Qaeda, and other Islamist groups produce a huge amount of poetic verse on social media yet it is perhaps one of the most misrepresented clues to understanding their psyche... John Sabou • June 19, 2015
Why the military will not defeat the Islamic State If we solely pursue military objectives and do not consider different, and sometimes conflicting or difficult opinions – we will fail in the fight against the Islamic State. Eva Entenmann • June 15, 2015
Houellebecq’s future forecast: “Submission” Michel Houellebecq’s book “Submission”, is more than a novel. It offers a sharp analysis of current politics and society in France. Moreover, it presents an interesting future forecast of France led by a president representing the Muslim Brotherhood. Edwin Bakker • June 10, 2015
Police Web-design and Branding As police departments step into the 21st century, should they adopt the swanky web designs and branding campaigns of the private sector or stay within their humble, public service means? Megan Anderson • June 01, 2015
The cleavage in Syrian Kurdish politics In Syrian Kurdish politics a striking cleavage exists between people who prefer social equality and those who prefer non-violence Wietse van den Berge • May 25, 2015
Policies on foreign fighters: how they could impact foreign fighter pathways Foreign fighters are top priority for security services. Many policies have been designed to limit the possible threat posed by these fighters. What are the unintended consequences of these policies? Edwin Bakker and Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn • May 17, 2015
Why not negotiate with terrorists? Negotiations, despite their obvious potential benefits, are not always the preferred means for achieving conflict resolution. Bart Schuurman • May 15, 2015
Plural policing in comparative perspective Emprirical data suggest a completely different situation regarding plural policing than universally accepted theories which are based upon the situation in Great-Britain Elke Devroe • May 11, 2015