Ten Years after Van Gogh: Time to Rethink ‘Radicalization’? Although Dutch Hofstadgroup is a leading example of a homegrown jihadist group, many fundamental questions about the Hofstadgroup remain. Bart Schuurman • October 29, 2014
How IS’ rise could actually benefit the Kurds How paradoxical as it might sound, the attack of IS might be beneficial for Syria’s Kurds. Wietse van den Berge • October 24, 2014
Google Hangout on Foreign Fighters On October 14th, a Google Hangout on foreign fighters with international experts was broadcasted as part of the MOOC Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Comparing Theory & Practice of Leiden University. Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn • October 17, 2014
Football: the forgotten factor in conflict Football is often overlooked as a factor in social sciences. Still it is a massive source of (political) mobilization, that causes - and might solve - conflict, both domestically and international. Wietse van den Berge • October 15, 2014
Do we have an exit strategy? The coalition to halt the offensive by the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq posed fundamental questions about exit and strategy. The debate on exit strategies does helpfully focus attention on the why and what of the intervention. Sergei Boeke • October 08, 2014
‘Keep calm and carry on’ – The implications of joining the fight against IS Countries joining the coalition against IS should be aware both the threat increases for their citizens abroad and for their citizens at home. Liesbeth van der Heide • October 02, 2014
Copper Theft Recent years have seen a drastic rise in copper theft around the world, on occasion disrupting infrastructure systems. How do governments and industry deal with this growing threat? Megan Anderson • September 26, 2014
"Jihadfamilies" in Huizen: Part II This entry is the follow-up of the earlier published “Jihadfamilies” in Huizen: A local test case of national importance. Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn • September 19, 2014
Early Warning Indicators of Terrorism and Radicalization Is it possible to identify behaviors or expressions that can betray the intent of individuals or groups to commit acts of terrorism? Bart Schuurman • September 17, 2014