'Threat from Jihadism more serious than ever before' Jihadism in the Netherlands has developed in a relatively short time span into a complex and dynamic movement that poses a more serious threat to democracy and national security than ever before. Jelle van Buuren and Daan Weggemans • June 30, 2014
Keeping NATO relevant: From Russia with love Many people have questioned the relevance of NATO in the post-Cold War era. However, the recent crisis in Ukraine seemed to have turned the picture upside down. Can Russia be credited for solving the legitimacy problem of NATO? Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn • June 23, 2014
The European Union and terrorism With respect to couterterrorism there is no lack of knowledge or a lack of opportunities to share ideas among academics and practitioners. If there is a problem, it is the slow implementation of ideas and policies. Edwin Bakker • June 18, 2014
Debating cyber- surveillance The important debate on the balance between privacy and security, in itself not new, does not seem to be progressing in a balanced fashion. Important issues are still not being addressed. Sergei Boeke • June 16, 2014
ISIS: Jihadists’ new forerunner? The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) appears to have the ambition of overtaking the Al-Qaeda umbrella organization it belongs to as the forerunner of international jihadism. What is ISIS about and what is its effect for the Syrian conflict? Wietse van den Berge • June 12, 2014
Keeping an Eye on Big Brother The international dimension of intelligence operations does not only refer to international cooperation between intelligence services, but increasingly to the internationalization of intelligence collection. Jelle van Buuren • May 30, 2014
Policing in cyberspace: It’s not always the police and not always about enforcing the law! There are indications that undesirable effects emerge with respect to policing cyberspace. It’s not always the police and not always about enforcing the law. André Hoogstrate • May 24, 2014
Counterterrorism Success: the Crucial Role of Public Support Among the multitude of factors that shape the course and outcome of terrorism-related conflicts in democratic states, the most important one may be the degree of public support for both the state and its adversaries. Bart Schuurman • May 14, 2014
Who is the new Bin Laden? Three years after Bin Laden’s death we wonder: who is the new face of terrorism? Wietse van den Berge and Liesbeth van der Heide • May 09, 2014