How feasible is a counter-narrative in preventing radicalisation? For those who work to stop radicalisation from happening, the feasibility of what is termed a ‘counter-narrative’ usually divides the room. How feasible is it to challenge something as complex and meaningful as a narrative? Sarah L. Carthy • September 13, 2021
Podcast Episode 3: The Troubles With Borders: a discussion with Ramesh Ganohariti and Jennifer Dowling Jake, Ramesh, and Jen discuss the phenomenon of borders and their implications, using the case of post-Brexit Northern Ireland as a focal point. Jake Wright, Jennifer Dowling and Ramesh Ganohariti • July 21, 2021
Shifting Focus: Right-Wing Extremism in the Dutch Military Anne Lotte Romkes and Elise Schermers • June 29, 2021
Homicide and Immigration: Trends and Developments Between 1992 and 2020, roughly half of all homicide victims in the Netherlands were born abroad, which is striking as they only make up a small percentage of the population. We reflect on the representation of immigrant groups in the Dutch ‘homicide landscape’ over the last 30 years. Jolien A van Breen and Marieke Liem • June 22, 2021
Dealing with Fake News: An Absolute Necessity, but How? In today’s digitized society, we witness an ‘anarchy’ of data and information coming from a myriad of sources. Parts of it can be classified as ‘fake news’ but how can you distinguish real from fake? Ludo Block • June 14, 2021
How the fear of danger becomes dangerous Regardless of the political context, century or continent, the primary motivator for war and struggle remains the instinctual fear of humans incited by their urge to survive. That fear can easily be fed by leaders systematically emphasizing that ‘something’ is at stake because ‘someone’ is a threat. Dr. Martine Beijerman • June 07, 2021
Europe in NATO: time for a common Turkish policy President Erdogan put Turkey on a nationalist road, seemingly at odds with the interests of European states. NATO is often used to support Turkey’s policies and undermine opposition. Adopting a common policy by EU-NATO members on Turkey is becoming increasingly vital to protect European interests. Victor Bouemar • May 27, 2021
The Dutch Digital Infrastructure Part 2: Digital (mis)behaviour in the future Government problems with the national digital infrastructure (GDI) are evident in failures such as the unsuccessful digital transformation of the ‘Basisregistratie Personen’ or the recent ‘Zorgtoeslagaffaire’ in the Ministry of Finance. Alex Claver • May 25, 2021
Covid-19 Vaccine Diplomacy – the Exclusive Game and its Powerful Players With access to Covid-19 vaccines being regarded a soft power asset, a few powerful countries use vaccine shots to further their own diplomatic objectives, in a move that is symbolically potent but without clear pragmatic benefits so far. Aayushi Shah • May 17, 2021